The 8th Annual Law & Corpus Linguistics Conference hosted by the BYU (Brigham Young University) J. Reuben Clark Law School is excited to be offering a workshop for any attending linguists on Thursday, October 12th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (MDT). This workshop will be led by law faculty and linguists and is meant to give an introduction to the field of law as well as describe issues that those in the legal field often encounter that corpus linguistics has been or could be used to address. We would like to make a special invitation particularly to any graduate students or early career scholars who are interested in applying linguistics in addressing legal issues, especially issues related to statutory interpretation.
This cost of this workshop is being offered free of charge. A catered lunch will also be provided to any attendees immediately following the workshop. We hope that you will consider attending this highly meaningful educational opportunity. Additionally, we are currently working on obtaining funding to support travel grants and are optimistic that we will be able to assist in supporting those with particular need or interest to attend the conference.
If you are interested in attending this workshop, please complete the form below.